By Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH Stopped Talking after 12-Months Vaccines Cameron, age 2.5, a beautiful, tall, blonde boy, was initially seen in my office on July 27, 2016. The main concern was delayed speech, as well as epic tantrums, insomnia and bowel problems. He was just starting to speak and the family was already working with a speech therapist. Cameron had several words before age one. “After his 12-month vaccines he stopped talking completely. We noticed it gradually over the next two weeks. Cameron was a healthy baby boy who flourished. He sat at 4.5 months he crawled at 6.5 months and laughed and played and was an overall happy baby whom we just loved. He could show me his body parts, use over a handful of words, and even went pee pee on the potty every morning before he was 1! Cameron took his first steps shortly after his first birthday. "Everything changed when Cameron was administered the MMR and flu vaccines at 12 months. He lost his speech, he no longer progressed with his walking skills and his eye contact began to slowly wither away. I had been quite concerned, but living in Ontario at the time I wasn't sure who to turn to. "I made an apt with a speech pathologist when Cameron was 15 months old. For $150 she told me Cameron was just fine and there were no signs of autism. She assured me he lost his speech as he was working on a new milestone (!) even though he wasn't walking anymore at that point either. I went with her word, as that's all I had, and carried on. "When Cameron was 17 months old he had finally just started walking. But he continued to not talk and just babble, his eye contact was delayed and he was couldn't eat solid food everything had to be soft, also he constantly chewed his tongue. Epic Melt-Downs and Screaming Fits after 18 Months Vaccines "We moved back to BC and he was given his last set of vaccines for his 18 month round. Around this time his behaviour turned for the worse. He developed epic meltdowns and screaming fits. Nothing I did would fix the situation. My only escape at times would be to just hide in a room and cry, desperate for answers as to why my baby was like this? What had happened to him? He continued to escalate until I just knew something had to be done! I had a strong feeling inside if medical doctors could not help me or address my concerns then I need to turn somewhere else." That's when his mother decided that seeing a naturopathic doctor would be a wise decision and found me online. Sleep Problems and Tongue chewing "Cameron wakes up 2-3 times a night. Last night he was awake for three hours in the middle of the night. He also won’t go to sleep on his own, I have to lie down with him or else “he freaks out. "He wants to stroke my arm when going to sleep, he moves his hands up and down, up and down, it drives me crazy!” When he wakes up at night he comes to the parents’ bed. He can be restless in his sleep and kick and hit his parents with his movements. "Also, he chews on his tongue all day. It started somewhat when he was six months old. He also smacks and clicks his tongue." I noticed that Caydon was sticking his tongue out of one side of his mouth and chewed on it repeatedly during the office visit. Stimming, Whining and Mushy Stools "Cameron taps his fingers on the table when eating. He is very cautious on the playground, especially with the slide or climbing equipment. At his preschool he engages with other kids and also enjoys some pretend play. "He is really whiney lately. He has separation anxiety in bigger groups and constantly wants his mother. He was not like that earlier, however, I just had another baby and he may be feeling a bit more insecure since then. "He was already potty-trained before the regression at 12 months old. Now he won’t use the potty and just holds his urine and stools. His stools are soft and mushy for the last year and have developed a stronger smell. Sometimes there is undigested food in his stool." Cameron did not interact with me or make any eye contact during the visit. He did not answer any questions. Health History "My pregnancy was normal and unremarkable. Labour was long, 24 hours. He did not start breathing right away after being born and was taken to the NICU briefly but returned as fine after only 30 minutes. "Cameron had a big lump on his head from the birthing process and his parents were told to give him some Tylenol for pain. Mother and son were kept in the hospital for two days. “He was a good baby. He slept through the night and was very alert and very interested in everything. He had a good temperament. “He had some eczema on his back and legs for a while, until he was 18 months old or so. It is gone now. He sat on time, at 4.5-5 months and crawled at the end of 6 months. He reacts to Pampers diapers with welts on his bum, but is okay with no-name diapers.” “He was late with wanting to eat solid foods. We could not get him to eat any solids until he was nine months old and then he would only take rise cereal and avocados. He was choking a lot trying to eat. "He could not pick up cheerios with his fingers for a long time. Now he can pick up food and feed himself but he still demands help sometimes.” He was breast fed until 2.5 years old. Note: He received Tylenol after birth. Being late with wanting to eat solid foods, choking and abnormal stools can often be early symptoms of vaccine injury. I see it in my practice all the time. Family Health History His father has bad allergies and chronic sinusitis. He often gets colds and often has problems with his ears. He was not well as a baby and had terrible food allergies. He also almost died of croup as an infant. He had tubes in his ears. Mother was one of seven children, "the runt of the litter." She was born with a hole in her heart and a defective kidney. She is hypoglycemic and can black out if she does not eat properly. She has been like this all her life. Maternal Grandmother had bad allergies and bad asthma, but none of her children developed asthma. There is a family history of cancer, the maternal grandmother’s brother, sister and mother had cancer. Maternal grandmother is also hyploglycemic, as is her sister. Maternal Grandmother was also very ill with ‘Hong Kong flu’ in the 3rd trimester when pregnant with Cameron’s mother. There is alcoholism on the maternal grandmother’s side and on the paternal grandfather’s side as well. Maternal grandfather was alcoholic and five of his six siblings are alcoholics. Mother has a cousin with serious asthma. Note: Complex family histories with many chronic diseases are a common finding in my practice for children with autism. In my opinion most children on the spectrum were born with certain susceptibilities that may make them more likely to have adverse reactions to vaccines, medications, infections and other stressors. Assessment This boy appears to be developing autism spectrum disorder, probably triggered by the vaccines and/or possibly the early Tylenol in association with an inherited predisposition. He lost his speech following his 12-months vaccines, has a speech delay, makes poor eye contact, does not interact well, does not answer questions well, repeats questions instead of answering them (echolalia), has a stim of chewing on his tongue rather intensely, another stim of tapping on tables, abnormal sleep patterns, digestive issues with mushy and smelly stools as well as a history of difficulties around eating. He is also overly cautious on the playground and has difficulties with transitions, which can cause tantrums. He had a fairly normal development other than aversion to trying solid foods until nine months which was probably an early sign of the autism/vaccine injury developing. He had several words and was potty trained before his 12-month shots, after which he regressed, lost his language completely, stopped using the potty and developed behavioural issues which he did not have before. He may have been predisposed as there is a family history of allergies on both the maternal and paternal side. There is also a strong history of alcoholism on the maternal grandparents’ side, which may be linked to the syphilitic miasm. This boy has not been formally assessed at this time, but his mother, the teachers and myself are all concerned that he may be developing autism. Plan I decided to use the CEASE Therapy protocol and put him on a few supplements as follows for two week to prepare his body for the homeopathic detox remedies:
FU August 24/17 - Improvements with Supplements! Supplements were given right away except that she could only find a probiotic with 10 billion organisms per dose and only gave 250 mg of DHA in the fish oil. It all helped him though. “He stopped having those crazy melt-downs! He used to have screaming fits. It was brutal to get him on the change table. It’s like day and night. He is also listening better.” That was just from the supplements. “His stools were always so strong-smelling and mushy. Now they are more formed and less smelly. “His eye contact is a bit better. Within a few days he was looking at me a lot more.” He still comes to the parents’ bed at night. He still engages in echolalia and is still chewing on his tongue. Cameron is interacting a bit more with me in the office today. He seems more present. Assessment: Good result with improvements in several areas just from two weeks on some supplements. The biggest change is the cessation of crazy melt-downs. Plan:
Follow-up October 26/16 - Doing a lot Better! Cameron is doing a lot better. “His speech therapist is reporting huge changes even week to week.” He is sleeping better. Before it was a struggle to get him to bed, he was tossing and turning and moving up and down the bed. Now his mother reads him a book and he rolls over and goes to sleep. Before he was sometimes up for hours in the night, staring at the ceiling, this has stopped. Now he asks questions, which he did not do before. His eye contact is much improved, about 70% better in his mother’s opinion. The speech therapist has noticed it as well. He is still chewing on his tongue, but about 40% less. “Recently we were looking at some old videos of him. He was not looking at me, making senseless noises and was chewing his tongue the whole time. I realize now that the noises started when he was about 6 months old.” “He has been trying to use the potty but is not quite there yet. Now he follows requests, ie, ‘take your shoes off’ and he does. He is finally understanding things and even takes his shoes off on his own. “The other day we were play-fighting with pillows, then he ran to me, upset, looked me right in the eye and said ‘the pillow’! He’s never been able to express himself like that before. “Before getting into the car was a fight. We had to force him into the car seat and push him into the seat belt. Now he gets in by himself! He opens up his own door and jumps into the seat. This started about 6 weeks ago.” His stools are still not the greatest. They are better if his mother is more religious about giving the probiotics. He is calmer overall. Before he would thrash about on the bed and scream and he could not sit quietly in a room with his mother or watch a movie. He was screaming and jumping and could not concentrate. That is much better now. Cameron is interacting more with me in the office and even answering some simple questions. He is on a wait list for an autism assessment, it may take 6-8 months. Assessment: Cameron is continuing to improve in all areas. His behavior especially is much better, he even gets into the car and into his car seat by himself whereas before this was a big fight. He is on a wait list for an autism assessment which is a 6-8 month wait. If he was not already receiving intervention he would likely have stalled or deteriorated more. Plan:
Follow-up December 21/16 - Return of Eczema and some Regression as well as Improvements with MMR Clearing "Cameron has developed eczema from head to toe. It broke out after the first week of the MMR course. It was worse on his cheeks. We thoughts he had developed slapped cheek disease. He had some eczema when he was four months old but then it cleared up by using essential oil in coconut salve", his mother reports. "With MMR 200C and 1M he has regressed again. His temperament got bad again and he has been more agitated and not listening as well, as well as hard to put to bed. He is waking at night again, some nights he is up for three hours again. "Yesterday he had a big melt-down in a toy store, he just laid down on the floor and refused to move." He has also had a bad cold with a cough, the baby sister had the same. He started daycare at the beginning of November and the care givers are concerned about him and are suspecting autism. He is making the strange sounds again. The tongue chewing has gotten worse again. Toilet training has not progressed, if asked if he wants to go the potty he says: “No potty! Diaper!” He runs and hides now when he needs to poo. His stools are getting a bit better, some days they are good, others mushy and foul. The stools are better if he is off gluten and if he takes his probiotics. He is still wired at night and goes crazy before bed. Getting into the car is more of a struggle again. Restaurants can be too much for him and he becomes overstimulated and runs around. On the other hand his eye contact has continued to improve and his speech is still getting better. He is much better at understanding things and can be told to fetch certain item, ie a paper towel. He is responding to questions rather than repeating them. His speech therapist still comments on how well he is doing and how quickly he is improving. His mother is concerned that the MMR clearing has set him back. He has just turned three. Assessment He is experiencing an aggravation from the MMR clearing and a return of old symptoms as in the recurrence of eczema as well as relapse of some of the previous symptoms. His mother was supposed to get in touch if he gets worse, but she did not get around to it and three months passed without a follow-up while she continued to give and increase the dose of MMR. This is what can happen when parents don't follow-up with regular appointments so I can monitor the children. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence, even though I explain the importance of regular and ongoing follow-ups to parents from the beginning and throughout the care programs. I explained the aggravation and reassured his mother. If I had known about the relapse and the eczema I would have advised her to stay with a lower dose of the MMR vaccine clearing for longer and/or increased or changed the supplements to help his body detoxify. The eczema may have started as a result of the first or second round of vaccines and was then possibly suppressed with the essential oils salve his mother used. Or maybe it was unrelated, but I doubt it. Now he is really covered in eczema on both arms and legs as well as his entire trunk and a bit on the face. This may not be a bad sign as I explained to his mother, as eczema is a lot less disabling and serious than autism. The good news is that his eye contact and speech have continued to improved, but he also has regular interventions with the speech pathologist which is no doubt valuable for him. Plan:
FU - Jan 3/17, Email FU January 3/17 email Mom started him back on the MMR detox. Slept in own bed until 3:45, big for him. P: Cont with MMR 30C, then carefully move to MMR 200C and up FU Feb 21/17 Mom gave MMR 200C and 1M. Now big tantrums again at night. Hates having diaper changed. Won’t listen, a fight every day. We are moving, it’s a bit chaotic. He is super defiant and has a look on his face like a little brat. But his speech is getting better every week. Will say things he’s never said before, like: “Hey, what’s going on in here?” Asks questions and answers questions now. Now finally says Yes. But has rages. Licked the wall in a rage. Can’t get him into the bath for the past 2-3 weeeks. Does not want to go into the car either. Expressed a lot of fear: “Mommy, I’m scared!” But the school is reporting that he is a joy with the other kids now. Before he was pushing the other kids around. Used to be aggressive with his cousins, but now he is a completely different kid! Goes to sleep great now! Before it would take an hour, now asleep in 15 minutes. Still wakes after 3-4 hours and comes to parents bed crying. He says he sees a ghost. A man died in the shower of that house in the past and parents sometimes hear knocking and doors closing for no reason. His eye contact is still a bit off. He spaces out sometimes. Finally get referral for pediatrician. Stool is sometimes solid now, and sometimes still foul and mushy. Plan: MMR 200C only, no more 1M twice a week for two weeks, possibly longer Stram 200C one dose Tub 30C every second Wed March 8/17 Email - Saw Pediatrician Today "Saw pediatrician today. She said she was on the fence about Cayden as he was not a ‘typical’ case and continuously improving and we know it’s because of your help! "With everything you’ve helped us with Cameron has gone through huge leaps! Everyone recognizes this weekly. The preschool teachers are constantly amazed at his progress. "His temper is better, but his fears continue and seem worse. He is petrified of getting into the bath and of bugs. I’m not sure if there is sth else we can give him for the fear of baths?" FU April 11/17 - Huge Improvements, Talking and Understanding a lot more "MMR 200C created a huge improvement, he is talking and understanding a lot more. He became happy and calm again . When we started MMR 1M his temper got awful, huge tantrums and meltdowns, he was beside himself, would scream and say NO, NO, and nothing could console him. He was hitting us, was harsh with his little sister, trying to hurt her." Yesterday had melt-down over mom changing the radio station. She turned it off and he said ‘thank you’. But: Going on potty every day and asking for the potty! "After the MMR vaccine he lost his speech, started grunting and chewing his tongue. He had a flu shot at the same time. After that he would wake up in terror. He had started chewing on his tongue already at 6 m." The pediatrician called and said he was a tough case. Decided to take him off the list for autism services because there were other kids in worse shape. He had been on the list for a long time, 5-6 m. Eye contact still off a bit. "The speech therapist decided there is nothing wrong with his speech anymore! He is all caught up! His teachers say he has changed so much, it’s absolutely amazing! The owner of the preschool had told mom she was pretty sure Cameron was on the spectrum but does not think so anymore." Assessment: MMR 1M is still too much for him. Speech is so much better. Diaper changes good now and will use potty. Plan: Return to MMR 200C for now. Email, April 26/17 "Cameron’s preschool is amazed at how far he has come. The owner is very interested in what you are doing and want to invite you to give a presentation on your work. Cameron is doing much better since back on MMR 200C. Listening better, it’s rarely a struggle to get him changed or dressed. But he is still having night terrors, anything you can give him for that?" May 9/17 - Reached Another Level of Speech Development Cameron is still on MMR 200C. Results:
Try MMR 1M again Stram 200C one dose, watch night terrors and repeat as needed Chelidonium 6X daily for liver support. FU June 13/17 - no more Night Terrors MMR 1M, once a week, been tolerating it well. Last week mom gave it twice. He is doing much better on days when he takes it, as per comments from school. He says things like: “Submarines are very similar to spaceships.” Mom asked how? “Submarines are in the water; spaceships are in the air.” Asks: “Can we go and have dinner out there?” Night terrors are okay now. Still wakes and comes to Mom’s room sometimes, but is no longer out of it. Great play skills now, using lots of imagination. Chewing on tongue is worse since MMR 1M started, also tongue clicking. Stimming with fingers also. Mom feels that the flu vaccine he had really affected him too. Very into music. Even at age 2 liked to sing and pretend he was playing guitar, sang before could talk. "Otherwise he is now a happy expressive little boy! He has full on eye contact, his vocabulary is continuously getting better all the time and his level of understanding has increased 10 fold! It's like blockages in his brain have been lifted! He's a new little boy full of happiness, love, and eagerness to learn and grow! He can answer questions and understand everything you say. He can express himself, whether it be that he's hurt or his cold or hungry. "This expressive language was completely unheard of half a year ago! With each treatment of Cease Therapy I am seeing more and more positive results. "It's like he reaches a new level and moves on to the next healing chapter. A: Still progressing. Asks questions now. No more night terrors. Still some chewing on tongue and stimming with his fingers. P: Continue MMR 1M until he no longer reacts or responds, then increase to MMR 10M Stram as needed if night terrors return. FU Aug 10/17 - Can really have Conversations now MMR 10M now. Big change! More real talking. Can really have conversation now. Not been aggressive or any side effects. Not as many melt-down, but still has moments. Wears underwear now instead of pull-ups. Potty trained at night now. Still uses diaper for bowel movements. Sleep: Still waking up every night to come to our bed, but not as restless. Before would hit and kick Dad in sleep. Child development team came to his preschool to assess him. Said not too concerned. Is okay with baths again! Letting mom wash his hair without problems, before he screamed!! Let’s mom brush his teeth and allowed dentist to examine his teeth!! Would not let him 3 m ago. A: Great improvement overall. BM still in diaper. Still chewing on tongue. P: Cont MMR 10M, then Infanrix Hexa. The Infanrix Hexa vaccine is a hexavalent (6 in 1) vaccine usually administered in babies at 2, 4 and 6 months. Image credit Wikimedia, attribution Whispyhistory, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Dec 21/17 - Infanrix-Hexa Detox I have not seen Cameron for four months. He's been on the Infanrix-Hexa vaccine remedy. Infanrix Hexa is a combination vaccine containing antigens for diphteria, polio, pertussis, hepatitis B, Hemophilus influenza B and tetanus, which most infants receive at 2, 4 and 6 months. It also contains aluminum adjuvants, formaldehyde and a number of other additives. "Cameron has been so great for the past few months. He's come through another blockage it seems. He turned 4 yesterday! He's pretty settled in who he is now. "For a while there he wasn't doing well. While I was detoxing the Infanrix Hexa he was very spacey, not following orders, confused and with some irrational behaviour. Since I've finished the detox he totally improved. In the meantime I managed to get him back on the autism assessment waitlist. He will be assessed in January. The whole team who does the initial testing will be present, I thought I'd mention it to you and see if you would be interested in attending. It may be good way to get the word out on what it is you specialize in." I never was invited to attend the assessment although I agreed to come. FU April 21/2018 - Suddenly Angrier than Ever! "The last two months have been very difficult for Cameron's behavious. My father died in February and my husband and I are separating. We separated last year in September for three months and the kids and I stayed at my mother's home. Then we got back together for a bit. There was fighting and the kids witnessed it. "Cameron is angrier than ever before. Sometimes I think he is possessed by demons. He won't let me talk to him, he just covers his ears. He has epic melt-downs like never before! He screams at the top of his lungs. I give him time out and he just screams and screams! Once he is past the emotion he will apologize and say: 'Mom, you're my best friend, I'm so sorry, I need you.'" "Now Cameron is constantly making dinosaur noises and is bouncing off the walls. He is so unbalanced now and is constantly hurting his little sister. He is aggressive with my mom's dog." At that moment the penny dropped in my mind and I asked about the dog. "It's a Miniature Pinscher. He is terrible with the kids and will growl and nip at the kids. Some time ago he nipped Cameron in the back of the neck and drew blood. Cameron is terrified of him now. "Cameron has also started to complain about feeling weak after walks now, he has to rest after walks." Well, this was new development. After having improved so much with his anger and irritability it was back in full force and worse, moreover he was making loud dinosaur noises (a kind of growling) all the time now. The kids had witnessed their father fighting with their mom and in addition grandma's dog had been nipping and biting Cameron for quite some time. I thought that maybe the dog bites had something to do with his state as I recognized the pattern of growling and aggression in association with dog bites, as well as the weakness after exertion, plus the quick repentance after outbursts. Muscular weakness is a feature of the remedy which is made from the saliva of a rabid dog. The remedy may also be indicated in a history of repeated abuse or even torture. No worries, the remedy was made in 1833 and there are no active or dead rabies viruses, nor any dog saliva molecules as they have been diluted out by the process of repeated potentization to the 1M potency. It means that the remedy has been diluted in a 1:100 ratio and strongly agitated between steps 1000 times. P: Lyssin 1M, 2 pellets today Repeat Infanrix clearing again FU May 22/18 - the Remedy helped! "The pills did help! He's been doing great! He's listening well and his behaviour has been 50% better. A few days after I administered the remedy the teacher said he had such a great day she literally had goosebumps at the change in him and his ability to focus better and express himself He's had a few rough days here and there. I wondered if I should give it to him again?" Aha, my theory may have been correct! P: Repeat Lyss 1M. August 29/10 - Happy, Expressive, full Eye Contact I messaged the mom to see how Cameron was doing. "Cameron is doing pretty good, although he's had a few moments lately where he's a bit aggressive with his peers. "But otherwise he is doing so well! Witnessing the hurdles that Cameron has overcome has been so rewarding! Everyone in his life sees just how far he's come and are truly amazed at his recovery. We couldn't be more grateful to you for your help, you have changed our world for the better!" Cameron had another dose of Lyss and has continued to do well since. A wonderful result! Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH, September 4/22 Questions? 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AuthorAnke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH is a professional homeopath with a special interest in children with developmental and behavioural concerns. Cases are all from her practice. Names have been changed to protect privacy. The cases were published with permission and are intended for education only. They are not intended as medical advise or solicitation. Homeopathy treats the person, not the condition. Archives
June 2024
Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH
Classical and Modern Homeopathy Sooke, BC, Canada |
Serving families in Sooke, Metchosin, Langford, Colwood, Victoria, Greater Vancouver Island, BC, as well as internationally via zoom/telehealth.
Hours:Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-6 and alternating Saturdays from 10-4