Homeopathic Management of a Complicated Case of Autism, Severe Aggression, OCD and Speech Delay1/4/2021
By Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH Autism, OCD and AggressionWhen I first met 8-year-old Oliver (not his real name) he had been diagnosed with Autism, severe OCD, as well as suspected PANS and PANDAS. The most distressing problem for the parents was aggression. Oliver first developed irritability at five months old, which had steadily worsened, especially over the past year. "He will attack us if he's frustrated with something. He'll go for our faces and claw at our mouths," his mother reported. In addition, Oliver was obsessed with ripping, tearing and cutting things into small pieces. He was always walking around with a pair of scissors in his hands, cutting paper, cardboard, pillows, textiles and more all day long. He also suffered from pica, eating sand, dirt, rocks, grass and paper. Oliver was not yet toilet-trained and still wore diapers. His language was delayed and he only had about 150 single words for requests, people and food. Sleep was a big challenge as well as he was afraid to be alone in the dark. He needed the lights on and his mother had to sleep with him. Night terrors after vaccinationOliver had received his first round of vaccines at four months old. A month later he suddenly developed insomnia and night terrors. "It was horrifying", his mother said. "He looked right through us with his eyes open, but he was gone. This went on for quite a few months, every single night. Before he slept very well. In addition, his engagement with us dropped and he became very irritable and fussy." At seven months he received his second round of vaccines. A month later he developed eczema on his cheeks. At ten months he got another round of shots, in spite of the alarming changes after the first two rounds. “Suddenly his eczema flared. He was tested and was found to be allergic to soy, dairy, dust, grass and trees, even turkey. He reacted to absolutely everything. We bought a new mattress, we were constantly cleaning. Then we took him off formula and his eczema got better." But the worst was yet to come: By the time Oliver was 13 months old he had lost all of his words. By 16 months he had a badly bloated belly. Just before he turned two, he was diagnosed with autism. By that time he was so bloated he could not fit into a swimsuit. His parents started biomedical treatment with supplements, which helped somewhat. They switched to a GAPS diet by the time he was 2.5, but did not observe many gains. "Overall he has been going downhill slowly since." A Stressful Pregnancy and Delivery“I had intense work stress during the better part of the pregnancy due to ongoing conflicts with a superior at work. I had to do a lot of extra work and felt totally unsupported. I was angry and cried a lot, however, I felt pressure to continue working until just five days before his birth.” Mom had four or five ultrasounds due to some concerns with the placenta. Labour and delivery were a nightmare. Labour was induced with a vaginal tablet three days before the due date because his mother had developed high blood pressure. “12 hours later I was induced with an IV drip of Pitocin, even though I did not want to be induced. I totally felt pressured into it. Contractions then came hard every few minutes. They hooked me up to monitors, the whole situation felt chaotic to me and was not at all what I had wanted.” Then dilation of the cervix stalled at 8 cm for many hours. She received a morphine shot and went to sleep for a while. At some point the nurses gave her nitrous oxide, which made her feel very irritable and aggressive. “I’ve never felt that aggressive in my entire life. I could barely control myself. The nitrous oxide also caused projectile vomiting for me.” “After 28 hours of labour the baby’s heart rate went down, they gave me an epidural and prepped me for a C-section. But the epidural made me feel freezing cold. I could not stop shaking, and here I was lying on the operating table and nobody really did anything about it. I felt almost violated, certainly not honoured.” "I think I may be prone to adverse reactions from anaesthetics, a few years ago I had a general anaesthetic for dental work and it took me all day to wake up. " AssessmentHere was an 8-year-old boy with a likely history of delayed reactions to routine childhood vaccines, beginning with night terrors, insomnia and irritability, followed by the onset of multiple allergies and eczema, developmental regression and an ultimately an autism diagnosis with OCD and aggression. Also of note was the emotionally intense and stressful pregnancy, as well as the complicated and stressful delivery with adverse reactions to anaesthetics, including severe aggression and shock-like symptoms in the mother. StramoniumOliver received the homeopathic remedy Stramomium as it was a good match for his history of night terrors, fear of the dark and fear of sleeping alone as well as his aggression. Stramonium is a common remedy helpful in symptoms of various neurological problems in children, especially when they are associated with aggression and violence. I have seen this remedy come up frequently after vaccines, as well as after emotional traumas, such as frights, or even head injuries. Many years ago, I saw a four-year-old boy who also had sleep problems from birth and was overly clingy to his mother. The boy was brought in because he was suicidal and kept asking to die. History revealed that his mother had been stalked and threatened with death while she was pregnant. A few doses of Stramomium cleared the state. The mother's state during the pregnancy had somehow affected the boy, a phenomenon well known in homeopathy. Stramonium is a fascinating remedy made from a plant known as Angel's or, alternatively and tellingly, Devil's trumpet, based on its beautiful, trumpet shaped flowers. In crude form the plant is toxic and especially affects the nervous system, causing various disorders of thought and motor control with fear, violence, fits, hallucinations and delirium. The homeopathic process of repeated dilution and shaking removes all toxic elements of the plant, leaving only an energetic essence, which may be used to rebalance a state such as Oliver's. Oliver did very well on Stramonium and over the next few weeks his aggression drastically diminished and he completely stopped attacking his parents. It also became easier for him to fall asleep and his pica as well as his OCD symptoms diminished somewhat. We then added a homeopathic remedy made from a mixture of vaccines, which greatly helped his speech and cognitive development. ![]() A Pregnancy Imprint? Three months into care Oliver suddenly developed what seemed like bladder pain when urinating. He had to urinate frequently and was crying out in pain. He got a couple of acute remedies for this, then developed a new symptom of compulsively spitting and urinating on everything. “He is refusing to wear clothes and is peeing on the couch and his clothes on purpose. He rips off his diaper and pees a few drops into it. Then he spits into the diaper and licks the urine and spit up in a very obsessive way. He gets extremely agitated when we try and stop him, yelling, screaming, hitting.” I recognized the remedy, Hyoscyamus, and the day after his first dose this strange and disturbing behaviour completely stopped, much to everyone’s relief. The emotional situation Oliver’s mother experienced during the pregnancy might have contributed to this layer. Hyoscyamus can be a good remedy in cases where the patient feels like she has suffered wrong and is not good enough, which may cause great distress. Hyoscyamus nigerHyscyamus niger, commonly known as henbane, black henbane or stinking nightshade, is a plant with a long and colourful history of medicinal use, including in herbal anaesthetics and in various magic brews for its consciousness-altering properties. In homeopathy it ca be helpful for various behavioural and neurological concerns that may include elements of mania and provocative as well as bizarre behaviours. Hyoscyamus is one of the more common used remedies in children with insomnia when the mother has suffered wrong during the pregnancy, such as in a work or relationship situation. It is always very important to understand the mother’s state during pregnancy when a child develops problems in infancy or early childhood. A Miasm Rears its Ugly HeadBy our next appointment, a month later, Oliver had developed a new symptom: He was lining up everything in the house, toys, shoes, furniture and became obsessed with smashing rocks with a hammer. Moreover, he was now obsessed with water and with washing his hands. “He constantly has to go to the washroom to wash his hands. We’re lying in bed at night and he has to get up and go to the washroom to wash his hands a few times, in fact the behaviour is much worse at night.” This was an interesting turn of events. Yet another layer appeared to come to the surface, a miasmatic layer. Most homeopaths will recognize the needed remedy as Syphilinum, a homeopathic remedy derived from syphilis. Not to worry, this remedy is made from the killed and sterilized disease organism and one cannot contract syphilis from it. Obsessive hand washing and a worsening of symptoms at night may point to this remedy, which may also be linked to a family history of syphilis and often to a family history of alcoholism. Mom confirmed my question: “My maternal grandfather and his father were severe alcoholics.” Oliver got a dose of Syphilinum and almost immediately the hand washing obsession stopped. He also continued to receive the homeopathic vaccine mixture remedy, every dose of which improved his speech further. Inherited FactorsIn homeopathy it has been known for two centuries that children can be born with various predispositions, which may be linked to a family history of infectious diseases as well as cancer. Homeopaths commonly refer to this as miasms. Interestingly, cancer is also increasingly being understood as linked to infections [1, 2]. Homeopathic remedies prepared from infectious materials, such as in Oliver’s case, syphilis, may be indicated and helpful in such instances. The new science of epigenetics has provided much needed scientific confirmation of such clinical observations. How Sweet It IsDec 2021 During our next appointment Oliver’s mother reported that her son had developed yet another state: He was running around wildly, licking his fingers and touching everything. If the family went to a store, he wanted to touch all the items in the store. He was also obsessively asking for sweets. At this point Oliver got Saccharum officinalis, a fascinating remedy made from the juice of sugar cane [3]. Children who need this remedy may obsessively ask for sweets, put everything in their mouths, can be hyperactive and overly clingy. They may have an underlying feeling that they are not loved, even though their parents are giving them ample attention and love. Again, sometimes this pattern is also a type of miasm or epigenetic imprint. I have seen and read about several children who suffered from extreme crying, insomnia and clingyness from birth whose parents had histories of emotional abandonment by their respective parents, or who were adopted [4]. Even though these babies were attended to nearly non-stop by their parents they could not be soothed, needed to nurse or suck constantly, be carried or entertained continuously and could not sleep without being attached to a parent. They also suffered from excessive separation anxiety. Saccharum officinale, a homeopathic remedy made from cane sugar, was helpful in several of these cases. Interestingly, sugar is often used a symbol or substitute for love. Mother’s milk, the first food that a baby receives by nature is very sweet. Loved ones are often called honey, sweetie or sugarpie and sweets and chocolates are ever popular as Valentine’s Day’s gifts. Saccharum can be a great remedy when a child inexplainably does not feel loved and just can’t get enough attention [5]. Mom then told me that Oliver had gone through a phase of intense separation anxiety from age two to four to the point that she could not be out of sight. At that time, another practitioner had given Pulsatilla and the next day the separation anxiety was gone as by a miracle. Oliver may have been going through a phase of clearing out some ancestral imprint with Saccharum. The poor boy seemed to be processing every trauma and infection in his family history. The Multifactorial Nature of Autism and other Developmental ChallengesThis is what is happening with such children on the spectrum, their miasmatic backgrounds and various stressors during the pregnancy and birth process damage the vital force and provide a fertile ground for adverse events from vaccines, medications and other stressors to occur, but with careful homeopathic management all these layers can come to the surface to be healed, it is really quite incredible. The Next LayerAt our next appointment Oliver's mother was not happy. "He is not doing that well. He is now eating paper constantly, tearing a sheet of copy paper and eating it, 7-10 sheets a day. He will often colour the paper and then cut or tear and eat it. He is cutting everything, paper, his clothes, our shoes. "His aggression is back, he is hitting, scratching and kicking us and the dog. "His sleep is also much worse again, he is up between 2:30 and 5 am. In addition he is repeating out loud everything he wants to do a hundred times. For example, when I pick him up from school he wants to go to his favourite restaurant to pick up french fries and he continuously tells me so. I reassure him that yes, we will get the fries but he can't stop asking about it. Then he starts talking about the rocks he has to get from the garden or the scissors he needs to cut the paper. He is also speaking really, really fast. "His memory seems to be worse. He'll be cutting something in one room and will leave his scissors there, then go into another room and want the scissor but he can't seem to remember where he left them. He becomes frantic and so impatient. "I also noticed that his ears get read in the evening. "On the positive side we continue to see language gains and small cognitive gains. He is speaking more clearly, repeating words and spontaneously saying new words. "Even though he is not in a good place right now, he is still doing better than last year this time. A Manic PhaseIt appeared as if Oliver had now entered a frantic, manic phase. The tendency was already present before, but now it had increased, together with the increased cutting as well as consumption of paper. The night-time waking between 2:30-5, the intensity of the symptoms, the red ears and the impatience and the aggression pointed to Belladonna, yet another plant in the Solanacea family. Oliver got Belladonna 30C as this is was the potency mom had at home, but I asked her to order the 200C potency as well. Higher potencies can be more useful for very intense states. After the Belladonna he had an intensification of his symptoms for 1-2 hours after taking a dose, then became more emotional and started crying. Two days later he was calmer again. The incessant asking for things had completely stopped and his memory was back. The read ears were also better. "I had noticed red ears on him when he was 3-4 years old", his mother reported. It seemed as if we were dealing with the return of an older phase, which is considered a good sign in homeopathy. Obsessive Cutting, Tearing and Eating of Paper"However, the cutting, tearing and eating of paper has not diminished at all. He is also biting his nails, fingernails as well as toenails. He is grinding his teeth, he used to do that a lot years ago. He also used to bite the edge of cups and glasses when he was younger." So it appeared as if an older state had come up and Belladonna had addressed some of it, yet, we still need another remedy for the compulsive eating of paper. I had repertorized the case and Veratrum came up strongly. It had been on my mind previously, but now we decided to give it a go, especially as Veratrum also has a keynote of desiring and eating ice, something Oliver was also enjoying. Veratrum albumVeratrum album, commonly known as false hellebore, European white hellebore, white hellebore or white veratrum is another interesting plant with a long medical history in botanical medicine. As a homeopathic remedy it can be useful remedy in children with many kinds of behavioural problems, including hyperactivity, destructiveness, aggression and defiance. The child may be vert intelligent, precocious and creative. Intense restlessness can be a defining feature, often expressed in repetitive behaviours such as cutting clothes and paper into tiny pieces, eating the eraser, putting many objects into the mouth and impatience. This remedy had been on my radar from the beginning, due to the known keynote of desiring to cut or tear clothes and paper into tiny pieces. Many of Oliver's other symptoms had vastly improved, but this OCD behaviour of his had not changed significantly. Plan: Veratrum album 200C. Positive Effects from Veratrum At our next appointment Oliver's mother reported that he was eating paper 80% less! When he was eating it he now ate only small pieces whereas before he would crumple up and eat half a sheet of copy paper at a time. However, he was still cutting and tearing the paper. He was also now fully potty-trained for the past month! Not one accident, day or night! On the other hand a new symptom had developed again, he was suddenly doing a lot of sniffing and scrunching his face while doing so, and would also suddenly start crying. I was wondering if a grief layer was coming up and considered Ignatia amara. Plan: Ignatia 30C, continue Poly-vax 50M, Veratrum for cutting as needed Ignatia amara helps the crying Two weeks later mom reported that Oliver expressed a lot of rage after the remedy or maybe because he was exposed to a classmate who had strep. He went back to showing Belladonna symptoms with a hot, red head and ears again, a dose of Belladonna settled him again nicely. Mom gave Ignatia again and he cried a lot, after that the sad crying stopped for several days. The sniffing was still present, the paper eating still vastly improved, plus he stopped cutting other objects like shoes, clothes and pillows. We're still wondering if the strep exposure caused the new sniffing and now also blowing tic. He also repeats the same phrases over and over and blows kisses repeatedly. Two days ago he became more agitated and hyper again. Plan: Belladonna 200C, streptococcinum 30C, if crying returns Ignatia 30C Good video on Ignatia amara Streptococcinum There was no change with Streptococcinum at all. He has had a few doses of Veratrum 200C in the meantime and mom just got Veratrum 1M as well. Still taking Polyvaccine 50 twice a week with noticeable improvement of speech after each dose. Meanwhile Oliver has started to do gross things again such as peeing on the toilet and dipping paper into the toilet. Mom gave a dose of Hyoscyamus and the behaviour stopped right away. He started having pee accidents again, but Hyoscyamus seems to help with that also. The sniffing tic has changed to a more blowing tic and he also acts as if he is throwing it into the air. Insistent on doing things in certain order, if he forgets a step he will have to start over from the beginning or else has a melt-down. The rock-crushing behaviour has improved, he does not need to do it every day anymore and when he does it it's shorter and less intense. Going to sleep is better, two months ago he had to do many OCD steps before being able to go to sleep, including going to the garage and closing and opening the closet door 10+ times. Overall his cognitive function is much better, he understands things more and his fine motor skills have also improved a lot. Last year at this time he could only draw a big X or O on a sheet of paper, now he can print his name by himself and only 1 inch tall. He can also do up a zipper now, which he could not do before. I decided to go with a higher dose of Syphilinum in 1M as well as Veratrum in 1M. May 7, 2021: Jumpy and Hiding On the next appointment mom reported that the cutting and tearing of paper was still the same. Now the agitation has come back and he is hammering rocks again. He is very jumpy, like a fight-or-flight state, startled by every noise. Jumps out of his seat if a dog barks. He has had this before, it has come and gone over the years apparently. It was very bad several years ago. When he gets like that the family uses a big spandex swing, which is like a cocoon, to calm him. He has had read ears a few times and mom gave Belladonna, which settled him more. Started licking fingers again and touching things, before would spit into hands or on fingers and then touch. I'm wondering if he may need Tarentula and ask about hiding behaviour. Yes, he likes going under blankets, covering his head, also likes play tents and houses, which is not unusual for children that age of course. I'm concerned that he is still cutting, also the startle behaviour which was worse years ago seems to be resurfacing. I'm asking about music and yes, apparently he has loved music since being a baby. He always asks for music to be on in the car and has rythm. Plan: Saccharum again for the licking of fingers and touching, Belladonna as needed if mania and red ears appear, Tarentula 30C to try for jumpyness and hiding . Considering Placenta humana for the love of blanket over the head and the positive effects of the swing. FU June 15/21: Tarentula hispanica Tarentula 30C had a positive effect on Oliver: "The first few days he was more manic and hyper before bed but then got much better. He had not been calm at bedtime for a long time. Overall he is less hyper. His cutting behaviour has changed, he is still cutting but now he only wants brown paper, not the white copy paper. Started cutting cardboard boxes from crackers and similar. Now he lines things up in a different way, objects are lined up in a certain order; then he moves them to another location and they have to be in the exact same order as before. Before he lined things up but not in a particular order. The cutting and lining things up consume all of his time." He still wants to break stones sometimes, but only a few minutes here and there. Mom also reported lots of frequent urination and reminded me that he had a history of kidney stones. This is the worst thing now, he sometimes has to go every ten minutes and it's disruptive at school. I'm asking if he is still biting his nails and mom confirmed. He will chew his finger nails down to bleeding and chew his big toe nail also. So far, nothing we have given has changed the nail biting. "His motor skills continue to improve, he can cut out complex shapes now, which he could not do before. He can also now use a computer mouse at school, also a new skill. His language is much more clear, others can understand him now. He now knows his name, his parents' names and is learning his address. The other day while driving to school in traffic he spontaneously said: 'Busy road'." I'm concerned about the frequent urination coming back and the history of kidney stones. Have been considering Medorrhinum for some time, nail biting has not changed, so Med may be indicated. Also, the OCD symptoms keep morphing, and Polyvaccine has not seemed to change them that much. Considering giving individual vaccine remedies now. Plan: Continue Tarentula 30C as needed, Medorrhinum 200C, add Prevnar 30C twice a week. One Year into Care
An Ongoing ProcessOliver's case is ongoing. He has made great progress with the aggression as well as with his speech and overall improved cognitive function over the past year. His vital force is very strong, which is why he shows such clear and intense symptoms and responds so well to the indicated remedies. I never fail to be impressed by the power of homeopathy to stimulate deep and profound healing and feel optimistic that he can continue to improve and add his significant talents to the world. A Second Year of Care Completed It is now September 2022 and Oliver has completed a second year of homeopathic care. He has made many more leaps in his development. FU June 15/21: Positive Results from Medorrhinum, but Return of Rage Medorrhinum has improved the urinary frequency. He still has some accidents and is still biting his finger and toe nails. He has also started to take Prevnar 30C. "Meanwhile we saw some rage and aggression come back. It was very similar to the aggression he showed when we started to work together. He was coming at me, scratching me, pushing me over. He was also much more destructive again and mean to the dog. He is breaking things, hammering rocks again. He is cutting pillows and shirts again. The aggression returned before we started with the Prevnar. I gave him Stramonium again, the 10M really helped. "He is still cutting obsessively and is also still tearing paper after drawing certain patterns. He draws the same patterns over and over again, but they are becoming much more detailed. "He is eating ice cubes. Has loved eating ice cubes since he was really little, 20-30 cubes a day. "When he is in this aggressive state he screams and yells with rage and demands things, especially coffee and chocolate. He will eat coffee grind fresh or used. He also likes to eat whole lemons and limes, and whole jars of pickles. Loves mustard and uncooked pasta and rice. With Prevnar he may be falling asleep a bit faster. Assessment: Return of old symptoms, rage and destruction is back. Plan: Stramonium 10M as needed Repeat Med 200C Continue with Prevnar clearing. Add Sarcodes sanguinea 30C for additional detox support FU July 31/21 - Aggression settled again Stram 10M really settled down his aggression again. He is still cutting everything, has cut pyjamas, computer cords, tupperware, the food in the frigde. Cutting out exact shapes with paper over and over. Gets upset if they are not perfect. He is cutting zig-zag patterns now, that is new. Starting July 18 he showed increased sexual behaviour, touching himself, getting a lot of erections when feeling agitated. Tried to touch girls his age on the beach. Peed on toilet paper and tried to eat it. Mom recognized he needed Hyoscyamus again and it helped! He is still urinating frequently, Medorrhinum did not relieve it completely. Mom gave Cantharis. Still craves coffee and coffee grind, eats it by the handful. "On the positive side he still still making progress with his speech, it is really clear now. And he did not have an allergic reaction to eating gluten, ate pizza and did not get a stomach ache or any eczema as he did in the past. This is a big change! Assessment: He had a return of Stram and Hyos symptoms, mom managed well with the remedies. He is continuing to progress cognitively and his speech. Allergies he has had since a few months old are getting better! Still cutting. P: Continue Prevnar clearing Give Hyos and Stram again if needed Try Coffea 30C re coffee craving and need to be so industrious FU Aug 13/21 - Sexualized behaviour settled again Try Hyos improved the sexualized behaviour, it is much less. He still has the urinary frequency. Cutting is still the same, socks, shirts, PJs, food packaging. "Now he has new symptom: A facial and eye tic. A really hard blink then looks up to the left and had downwards, this is constant. "He is cutting out intricate shapes. He has a black line on his teeth at the gum line, the black has to be scraped off. He had this very badly when he was 2-3 years old. A: New symptom of facial/eye tic. P: Staphysagria - black line on teeth, cutting, urinary symptoms. I'm also considering Agaricus and Lyssinum Continue Prevnar 200C Try Carc for eye tic FU Sept 3/21: New - Need to organize fridge New symptoms: Organizing the fridge. Takes everything out. Cuts and throws out old veggies. He is very compulsive about the fridge. His language keeps coming. It is clear, he is able to repeat so much, able to think of words so much more easily. He is not eating coffee grinds anymore, Coffea seems to have helped! "Still cutting, no change. He comes downstairs and frantically looks for his scissors, he has to cut his shirt. If we don't give him the scissors he has a panic attack, pants with quick breathing. So we just let him do it. He is still cutting or tearing paper, but the shapes are still becoming more and more intricate. "The black line on the teeth is still there a bit. Eye tic is still present, a bit different. Now he opens his eyes really wide instead but it is still as frequent. Carc did not help. "He loves to eat peppers, tomatoes, almonds, lemons, pickles and also olives. "He has an intensified fear of being alone now. He is aftraid of being alone, the dark, and flying bugs. He calls all flying insects 'bees', even butterflies. Also, at night he pulls his covers completely over his head. Then he gets hot and uncovers, but then covers his head again. "Rock smashing is better, only one event in the past 7-10 days. His aggression is so much better. He collects rocks in the garage. He has to take a rock from the front yard, adds it to his collection. They are all lined up in the garage." Mom showed me the garage, there were hundreds of rocks nicely lined up! Paternal GF is a hoarder, can't throw anything out. But he has a nice, easy-going nature and people like him. "He is singing now. Nursery rhymes. No more sexual behaviour since Hyos. I noticed that Oliver was very expressive that day, very talkative with me. Mom says that his ability to learn and focus is so much better. It is interesting to see how his drawing and cutting has become more and more complex and intricate since beginning with homeopathic care. A: Tics are still there but have changed a bit. Now needs to organize fridge compulsively. Blankets go over the head. P: Placenta 40C (blankets over hear, possibly due to traumatic pregnancy) Prevnar 1M Carc 200C, 1M, try re tic Sulphur 30C, I had thought of it before as a constitutional remedy, he is robust, ruddy, olives, pickles, lemons. FU October 5/21 To be continued Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH Questions? I offer a free 15-minute meet-and-greet sessionReferences
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AuthorAnke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH is a professional homeopath with a special interest in children with developmental and behavioural concerns. Cases are all from her practice. Names have been changed to protect privacy. The cases were published with permission and are intended for education only. They are not intended as medical advise or solicitation. Homeopathy treats the person, not the condition. Archives
December 2024
Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH
Classical and Modern Homeopathy Sooke, BC, Canada |
Serving families in Sooke, Metchosin, Langford, Colwood, Victoria, Greater Vancouver Island, BC, as well as internationally via zoom/telehealth.
Hours:Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-6 and alternating Saturdays from 10-4